You’re probably wondering what’s going on with Localization in cPanel & WHM. In cPanel & WHM 11.32 we introduced a new login system with enhanced localization capabilities. More on these capabilities later. One thing notable about the login system is every piece of text, every string, is localized.

So why are these localized strings of such poor quality?

The current state of quality is because all the strings (in the login system) are machine translated (except for English). This is not the desired end state, only a step in the process.

We have a team working at integrating our development process with an outside translation company. Once that is done you should begin to see improvements to the quality of translations. New text will still be machine translated upon initial introduction in the product. As there turn around between machine and human steps of the process improve we should see a reduction in the lifespan of machine translations in the product.

After integration completes we plan to:

* Restore the Japanese and Italian locales to 11.32
* Have all our current locales proofed and improved
* Identify which locales we additionally need to provide

What about the product as a whole?

Having a translation service is only one step in having a quality localized product. We still have plenty of places where text is hard coded, making it non-translatable. Our current tools for working with the localization system need improved. And so on and so forth. These are all areas we will continue to focus on and improve in further versions of cPanel & WHM.