In 11.52, we are removing the Live Locale Editor in WHM. We realize removal of features from cPanel & WHM can be scary and can cause confusion so here are two important things you need to know about the Live Locale Editor’s removal:

First, some background. In 11.46, we introduced new and updated translations for 29 languages used around the world. As a result, more people can now manage their hosting account in their preferred language. During the development of those new translations, we migrated away from an older localization system to one more capable of supporting the complexities of human language. The Live Locale Editor was developed exclusively for that older system. Removing it frees us to concentrate on improving the quality of translations, the adopting of this new translation system throughout the codebase, as well as continuing to build the next great user interface for your hosting accounts.

Second, you will still be able to customize translations for your users inside cPanel & WHM. Your customized translations will remain untouched and continue to be used across the system. The “Bulk Mode” Locale Editor and Non-Standard Locale Configuration tools (CLDR) will remain in the product for the foreseeable future and continue to be supported.

If you have questions about this removal, please don’t hesitate to comment below or contact our support teams or your cPanel account representative. If you would like to tell us what we should work on next, including delivering new and more powerful localization tools, consider participating in our feature request site.